I think I'm pretty set on a straight load w/ ramp. ? I know a lot of folks don't like that configuration, and it isn't popular anymore, but it pretty much saved me a couple of times. ? I am looking for one with a long, low-angled ramp; the one I have is too short and steep in some situations. ?
I know Caisson is fine with going into a step-up. ?He isn't so keen on backing out of one - he prefers to turn around and come out forwards, which isn't always an option.
I would consider used, depending on the trailer, but I'm looking at new right now. ?That way I can order the options I want. ?:)
? Are you set on a 2 horse straight load, or would you consider a slant ??I think a slant has a lot more options for usability. ?Also- a ramp weighs a lot if you don't need it.? Brand new or used ?? Good Luck !? Say hi to Caisson for me !? - Heidi