I hope your bruises and scrapes are feeling
better. My helmet lesson was expensive!!! I was in my pasture with
my neighbor, learning how to hot wire my tractor so I could start it.
Ray got it started for me, I hopped back on my mare bareback to ride back to the
house. Troika started jigging,trotting, then cantering with me grabbing
what I could and desperately trying to get my balance. She zig-zagged
through some trees,and I came off and hit my head on a tree. I don't remember
much after that, just bits and pieces. Suddenly there were lots of people
and emergency equipment in my pasture. I kept vomiting; someone took off
my boots; someone else put a neck collar on me; my husband was suddenly
there telling me he will see me at the hospital; there was a helicopter in my
pasture and the wind nearly took the roof off of my hay barn; Somebody was
stuffing something in my ears; lots of vibrations; someone said, "Stay
with me, we'll be there soon."; lots of people around me; Florissant
lights overhead; someone cut off my endurance ride T-shirt and my new bra
(that pissed me off!); IV's; loud, clanking machines;
large humming machines, everybody touching me; my head hurts; I just want to
sleep, leave me alone please. I spent four days in Neurological ICU with
brain hemorrhaging, had one hell of a headache and double vision for weeks, and
a $28,000.00 hospital bill plus a $6000.helicopter bill for a ride that I
didn't enjoy . Lesson learned: I never get on my horses without
my helmet on, and I do not allow anyone else to ride one of my horses without a
helmet, which I will provide them with if they don't have