[RC] Breeding to preserve - Jannelle Wilde & Adam Falk
Those who want more regulation are simply
wanting to apply their own standards to other people. And not that many, many
people shouldn’t improve their “standards” but still why
should you or you or you tell me or him or her what to breed. Frankly, less
horses should be bred but I think it was Heidi who pointed out that regulations
put limits and constrictions on those who already police themselves. And yes I
know that it is the animals that suffer. I encouraged my neighbor to not buy
any more $50 auction horses and breed them to her cryptorchid stallion (another
$50 auction horse) to produce more $50 horses. However, I don’t think it
is my right to tell her to stop (nor the governments) when she’s done
nothing wrong and feeds her horses.
Bringing this back to endurance, I know
that Heidi will agree with me on this…while you can get absolutely
wonderful horses from the auction for very little money and it can be very
emotionally rewarding to do this, there is nothing like a good breeding program
that breeds for specific characteristics (in my case, I breed for what the
Bedouin was breeding and that’s a whole ‘nother story) that keep
the foundation genetics in the gene pool. Doing this begets consistency in the
horse and in the performance of the horse.
But this is a topic that we’ve all
gone ‘round and ‘round on before…oh, but that is the RC wayJ