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Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] agressive horse - Crickett MacMillani have a horse that is a kicker under saddle. she is a good girl generally, she just cant stand to have another horse right up her butt on the trail, and will not hesitate to throw her foot at any horse that dares enter her "personal space" on a trail. truth be told, i feel it's not only the responsibility of her rider, to be aware of what she is doing, and to recognize the way she feels just before she kicks, but also the responsibility of the rider behind her, to keep their horse at a safe distance, and to pass considerately, with due notice, not just with her, but with all horses. however, she does have a very bad habit of being slightly spooky, and she will frequently back up if she's scared, she will then back into the horse behind her, and kick it, because, hey, its in her space as far as she is concerned, and it has earned a kick, despite the fact that she's the one who caused the intrusion. that really bothers me, and she has actually grazed my leg before while trying to kick the horse i was riding behind her. i'm not sure i would ever take her on a big trail ride, or out with horses she is unfamiliar with, due to these issues, red ribbon or not.