I am slowly turning services back on, ridecamp archives being one of them. For whatever (strange?) reason, both steph & I?disappeared?from the server on Monday, which caused lots of strange things to be done (or not done) while we were in transit from the warmth of a late fall day in Scottsdale -> the beautiful spring morning at El Reparo in Argentina. ?
We arrived in Buenos Aires yesterday morning, an very nice lunch with Miguel Pavlosky near his clinic and then a late evening adventure through the BA rush-hour traffic to the quiet and dark of the night at Eduardo and Mercedes' training facility near Cazone.
Friday will be the Argentine National Championship 160km and 120km rides and Steph is here to help (she brought all the ribbon to mark trails:) ?I came along to share in the adventure, though I'm very happy Eduardo has a very nice net link so I can deal with these server issues ...)
So, I've generated (manually) the ridecamp archives, and will keep watch on them through the day.?
More in a bit (about reports/images re: Endurance in Guatemala from Scarlet de Rodas and wrap-ups (with issues:) from Maryanne in Egypt.?
A light breeze through the honeysuckle blossoms -- and all those Argentine birds to welcome the day!!:)