I've always wondered if a horse might
attack a snake and stomp him into the ground. My s-i-l was thrown from her
horse when she came upon a resident rattlesnake that had been seen at the same
location over the years. She had her husband and grandson go find it and
dispatch it.
I was riding my Walking horse gelding one afternoon when we
came flying around a corner and came across a snake in the middle of the
road. My gelding calmly stopped, went stomp, stomp, stomp with a front
hoof on the snake, and then went flying on down the road. Didn't even
pin his ears.
Speaking of snakes. I was ridng yesterday the weather was great
here in ga. I was on new trail made for the upcoming
endurance ride in January. I was in front on my arab and my husband
was behind on his quarterhorse. I topped a small hill and this large
diamond back was lying in the sun across the trail. i saw it and tried
to stop my horse. since he loves to run up the hills it took a second
too long. by the time we stopped he was astride the snake with his
hind hoove in the middle of the snake. I swear the snakes head was
huge and his rattles started shaking. I kicked my horse's butt
around just as the snake stated to coil up and then it started moving
towards the brush. My husbands horse was aware of the snake my
who is a smart horse did not seem to notice the snake. Any of you have
a good snake story?