Let me preface this by saying I wasnt there and
don't know any of the involved. I had heard of a similiar situation though
involving a woman I know. Again I wasnt there so its all second hand but form
very reliable sources. This woman was reported as beating her horse in the
course of an ld because the horse couldnt maintain the pace the woman felt was
needed. This person has had access to excellent mentors and has been warned over
and over about the way she rides. She is obsessed with "winning" and though she
claims to love her animals winning is more important to her. Some people ride
like their ego is on the line. They don't belong in this sport and never will.
It doesnt matter who tries to help them or what they are taught they will do
exactly what they want and the horse be damned. Personally if I ever see
somebody doing something like that I will defend their horse no matter the cost
to me. If you are able to, you should defend the helpless, instead of a horse
lets imagine him beating a child on the side of the road with a stick because it
was too tired to keep walking. How many would be jumping in then? Doing whats
right and doing whats legal should always be the same thing but in our society a
lot of times it is not. In a sport like this you need to be willing to sacrifice
your own ego for the welfare of your horse, as soon as you become more important
then the horse becomes expendable.