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Re: [RC] [RC] Abuse - Carla RichardsonI'm a "newer" rider. Have now completed 5 LD's total (big whoop, huh), and in each case I was barely in on time. Definitely not racing, unless for turtle... And I have to say, I haven't witnessed anyone racing at any of the rides I've attended, at least not anywhere near to the point of abusing their horse. In fact, most riders seem to be taking it fairly easy.
So,,, don't assume that most LD riders are racing, and as has been pointed out, abuse can certainly happen on a 50 as easily as on a 25. By the way, I read EN cover to cover every month, and check out the website constantly for new tips. Isn't the theme for the 2008 nat'l convention "Riding with Education" ?? Personally, I think AERC does a tremendous job at *trying* to educate. If people don't read, don't inquire, aren't curious, aren't humble enough to ask questions and follow ADVICE, then, how on earth can you help them? My goal is to be doing 50's next year, it would have happened this year but several obstacles along the way prevented it. Have not given up, though!
As far as ctr's, that's where I started, in NATRC in 2005. I have about 750 miles now in NATRC, and I have learned a LOT - how to pace my horse, for one thing, and how to safely camp and care for my horse over the weekend, since we arrive on Friday and stay through Sunday evening. The two sports are compatible, and complement each other, I believe. I'm a member of both NATRC and AERC and will continue to compete in both. I think riders new to distance riding would GREATLY benefit from starting in ctr's. I remember at this year's national convention, every rider on the Experts Panel (including John Crandell and Stagg Newman, my own personal "heroes") stated that they started in ctr's and recommended it highly. Can't get higher praise than that, now can you?
Anyone who's interested in information about NATRC, feel free to contact me.
Oh, and I also thank you Bruce, as always, for your viewpoint.
Carla Richardson
On 11/7/07, Dolores Arste <darste3@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've never been particularly keen on the LD due to the