Is it just me or is RIDECAMP getting more
& more annoying to read???? Why is it necessary to constantly reprint
everyone elses posts OVER & OVER & OVER. Are we all so stupid we can,t
follow the drift of the conversation without having to read it all again????
John & Steph have ask a number of times just to copy a sentence or the
title. If someone gets lost they can,t check
On the other hand, I have opened e-mails from
ridecamp that didn't reference the original topic, and I hadn't a clue what
the person was referring to. I suggest short snatches of the original
topic, so as to jog memory.
And as long as I,m on here I would like to go
on record saying I thinks LD is the ruination of endurance. It all
started just to make money to pay the bills for the real rides, very sad. If
you can,t go the distance, ride slowly for a 1/2 a 50 then withdraw. train
your horse at home for free. Go on pleasure rides to get the group experience.
Buy a made horse. Do CTR,s. Sorry,just my opinion.
There is some truth to
what you say, but I also think there is merit in LD rides...AS LEARNING
EXPERIENCES. Therefore, I would propose dropping ALL year-end
recognition for LD rides and no BCs or positions of any sort recognized at the
ride itself, other than completion. This would allow riders who do ONLY
LDs to continue doing so, but since LDs by definition are NOT endurance rides,
they would not be recognized in the year-end awards. I think keeping
track of the mileage would be important, however.
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