My horses will NEVER eat medication in their food so I always have to syringe it in. I use the no sugar pancake syrup as the carrier. Works every time.
Mary S.
From: ladurgin@xxxxxxx To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [RC] Silly horse update Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 23:21:24 -0500
Thanks everyone. I found silly horse, Scout lame this morning. Swollen around the gash a good 8" diamenter which made the gash gape open a good
1" inch wide-- (and I didn't get sick when I looked at it so after talking with my daughter again--called the vet. I got one of the young,newer ones (there are 4 now) but seemed bright, except when he bent over to pick up his bucket within 4 feet of my horses back end. I said "you realise you are within kicking range "? (I did tell him, Scout was gentle, but hasn't had the groundwork the others have had and is weak on manners. Now I can do that around mine, but I always let the horse know I am there and usually make them move or have a hand on them. We tranq.'ed him and still had him dancing a bit while he cleaned and checked to make sure debris wasn't in the wound. Got a Penn. shot and some antibiotics to give him and I will hose with water daily as much as I can. He said It was on the joint, it could have been stitched (but it was about 18 hours after the gash when he got here.) I didn't see how you could stitch there and it not pop open.... Anyway he said he'd heal faster if his movement was limited, so while I stalled him and Rascal for company as the 4 horses and occasionally a bray from the donkey hollered at each other when ever the others went out of sight--- son #2 and I made a 50 by 50 electric rope fence connected to the 3 stalls. They are used to being out 24/7 with matted stall access if they choose. And I couldn't see locking him up in a 10X12 stall (he is 16 hands), serious buddy sour and he'd paw the door-- anc probably eat a hole in the wall. Actually while there for a couple hours they both started chewing on the stall doors. Scout knows how to open latches as does my mare and Rascal knows they can open them, so he set about to bite something open too. More restaining for me. Last barn had hardware cloth on the doors. I switched R. for the Old tb for company as I have to feed him 2X a day to keep his weight up and he is #1 horse and the quietest . But boy will there be alot of fertilizer bwtween the 2. Fun part will be getting him to let me hose him again, he got very distrustful of me and anything in my hand after we squirted with the turkey baster the betadine solution.Made it harder to even fly spray him>I had to go out and give carrots and just brush him , but he is suspisious of containers now. More carrot work ....... If I do things in small doses, with familiar things in between like brushing or rubbing, he relaxes. And I had just gotten him where I could hose him without dancing circles. Hoping this silly fall won't cause any serious damage. I guess the bigger they are the harder they fall. Old horse Champ took a fall in a pasture that was the start of his synovial tear in his knee--which looks like a ballon and has arthritis now,even after treated years ago . And have to figure out how to get him to take 10 pills @x a day.I will crush and put them in water and try to get him to eat it in a beetpulp mix. Otherwise I may have to syringe.hah----- maybe in yogurt or applesauce.....played that game with R. before
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