My horse did an ugly cut on his elbow about 2"
long and we tried to treat without stitching, then a few days later, he
caught the flap of skin, and ripped it open even more, to about a 4" V shaped
wound. Took him to vet for that, and they stitched, cutting away the dead yucky
edges of the first section he had done. Installed a small drain tube, and told
me to keep him in a stall for a week to 10 days, he was not to lay down. So I
set up a high line in the stall above him, and tied him, so he could walk, turn,
but not lay down. Worked great. It healed well, never broke open because I did
everything the vet instructed, and now you can only find the scar when he has a
short summer coat.
This is the reason we will teach ours to stay on a
stall alone once and awhile, while the others are in pasture. Never know when
they might need to be on a medical leave from the pasture. AND, the reason all
our will tie for days.