Re: [RC] Just out of Curiousity (was: Race, etc.) - SandyDSA
In a message dated 9/15/2007 7:51:14 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
said, the "racing" aspect of the sport is far distant from the sort of
"racing" that most folks perceive, since there are strings attached, so to
speak. When horse people ask me about the racing aspect of the sport, I
compare it to jump-offs, where time is an element, but in order for it to
count, you have to jump "clean" (or match the "clean-ness" of the next fastest
competitor). You can't just tear around the course knocking all the
fences down. Likewise, in endurance, we have to "ride clean" or we don't
complete--it is NOT the same thing as the sort of "racing" where one can cross
the finish line and drop dead, and still have "won the race." And to
answer Connie's comment about racing and LD rides--there are even more
"strings attached" in LDs, including eliminating the sprint-across-the-line
aspect with the pulse-down before the clock stops.
Our "races"
are no more flat-out "races" than are timed jump-offs--in both cases one must
take particular care to ride "clean."
Indeed. Heidi, I couldn't agree more, and your analogy is perfect;
our young stallion is competing right now in open jumpers, which, compared to
hunters, is again - apples and oranges. The fact that there are guidelines and
rules does not change the racing aspect of either sport. Having had to watch my
best horse finally die, and our other two horses age as I recovered from not one
but two surgeries, now as I look forward to my FIRST event in over 4 years,
speed is the last thing on my mind - finishing with a happy horse and an ankle
that works - that suits me fine! Never mind the racing aspect of endurance at
any level - some of us for whatever reason are not racing! What is the point of
taking it out? Personally, I am so tired of dumbing down just about everything
in life to suit - or protect - an idiotic segment of people. Back in MY
day....:)...well, let's just say that dumbing down because of one segment of
individuals in the end is a loss to everyone. It is GOOD for our next generation
to learn competition - CLEAN AND FAIR competition. If we yank everything out of
life that smacks of competition (such as no scoring in soccer youth games
because it makes the other team FEEL BADLY) then what is left? It is an immature
person who cannot compete fairly and come out with dignity - lose or win. We
tend to work harder for the "next time" when we lose, and we learn grace and
kindness when we can not only LOSE but WIN with a good attitude.
That said, what happens in the middle east is another story - in just about
every facet of life. No comparison. I wouldn't ask one of the race horses where
my daughter works to do the Fandango this weekend - not even 25 miles! They are
not suited. At the same time, endurance as a sport is NOT flat racing.