[RC] "Ride Between the Rivers" - Thank You! - tim miller
Echoing Dawn's thoughts, I think it important to emphasize
to those readers of RideCamp just starting out or contemplating entering the
sport that this is a community more than willing to answer your questions,
provide assistance and help in any way possible. You do not enter
this sport alone.
Ride management and volunteers did a great job putting on
this initial ride, under trying circumstances, having to switch locations
mid-stream. This is going to be a very popular ride for the foreseeable
future, in scenic territory, operated by very committed people with the
goal your enjoyment.
I met Dawn Engle last year by posting here the tragedy of
losing a 6 week old colt to lightening and nearly losing her mother, who
was severely injured. Tom and Holly Sayvetz, of Asgard Arabians,
made the most generous offer of using one of their many excellent
broodmares, for use to the stallion of my choice. There is a reason
their program is so successful, great, most generous people, committed to
enhancing the breed.
Seeing a severed artery can be upsetting to the most
experienced person. I'm fortunate Dawn was the one with the mare.
Her extensive background with horses and level headedness, along with the help
of the many she cited in her post, served Dreams well. Thank all involved,
as well as Amy Cieri, who mentored Dawn in endurance.