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Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] "Ride Between the Rivers" - Thank You! - Barb Kemerer

I was there when the horse started spurting blood. The horses were drinking from a small puddle.  Literally, one second she was fine, we looked down and blood was everywhere.  One thing we learned from Dr. Kathy Broddus.  If you have an arterial bleed, don't pad it. Take vet wrap or better yet "elasticon" and wrap tightly above the bleed and then below and then do figure eights over the site.  Padding doesn't allow you to clamp down on the artery.  Other things I learned. Carry a cell phone even if you don't think you can get reception. Carry first aid "things" even if it seems like too much trouble and change your vet wrap up every so often. Mine was kind of dry rotted and kept shredding when I tried to unroll it.  Once again, it was scary but everyone kept their cool and when Kathy showed up and said everything would be OK, we believed her. 
Barb Kemerer 

On 8/12/07, Ranelle Rubin <raneller@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for sharing..! It is so nice to hear that our fellow endurance riders
took such good care of you and your horse!

PS..Good 'cause for always carrying a feminine napkin and roll of vet wrap.!

Ranelle Rubin, Business Consultant
Independent Dynamite Distributor

916-663-4140 home office
916-718-2427 cellular
916-848-3662 fax

>From: "phantom horse" < phantomhorse13@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: [RC]   "Ride Between the Rivers" - Thank You!
>Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 21:10:08 -0400
>This weekend, I attended the new "Ride Between the Rivers" in West
>Virginia. While in the middle of the 3rd loop of the 50 mile ride, the mare
>I was riding (Wirtual Dream, owned by Sami Hills Farm) sustained a serious
>injury to her right hind leg.  In the process of throwing a shoe, the
>mare's pastern was sliced by a nail, severing her distal artery.
>I would like to send out a heartfelt THANK YOU to Barb Kemerer, Sue Ann
>Adams, and Nancy Walker, whom I was riding with at the time of the injury.
>With their help, I was able to bandage Dream's leg and control the
>bleeding. Shortly after the injury, Dr Kathy Broaddus came riding down the
>trail and stopped, offering bandages and advice.  Dr Lani Newcomb also
>stopped, supplying me not only with additional bandaging supplies, but much
>needed reassurance that the mare was going to be fine.  Diane Connelly was
>also of great assistance by calling base camp in search of help.
>I was touched that EVERY SINGLE RIDER who passed us on the trail offered
>assistance--bandages, water,  snacks, or company.  I wish I could thank you
>all personally.
>For all at the ride who I didn't see afterwards, Dreams will be fine.  Dr
>Tracy put several stitches in the mare's leg out on trail, with the
>assistance of Don Gibson.  We were graciously trailered back to camp by
>Jack Butcher.
>For those of you who missed this ride, you missed a good one.  The
>management was excellent and the trails were challenging.  The scenery,
>including a gorgeous river crossing, was amazing.  We will be back next
>(#36420 and usual ridecamp lurker)
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Ride Long and Ride Safe!!


[RC] "Ride Between the Rivers" - Thank You!, phantom horse
RE: [RC] [RC] "Ride Between the Rivers" - Thank You!, Ranelle Rubin