Just wondering, when you break a buckle, are you using the cotter pins?
I too snapped a brand new curvy type buckle, but thought it happened because I
hadn’t yet been committed to putting in the cotter pin on every boot on
every ride (I do now). If the boot has screws holding the buckle on, they are
very easy to replace.
Regarding the cables, I do
think that the cable has to be very tight, but not very,
very tight (:>) Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference. I have
snapped cables that I had to stand on with all my weight in order to close them
(very very tight), rather than just push hard with
one foot (very tight).
Lucy wrote & Kathy wrote:
...I've broken Easyboot buckles on a ride more than once!
(But they didn't fall off either despite that.)
I currently have a whole passel of dead EZ
boots with
broken cables. Most, of course, are the old-style-much- more-difficult-to-replace-type cables. <sigh> They tend to break right as I snap down the buckle.
But it's making me think - how come I keep breaking cables? Am I putting the boots on too tight? I thought that unless you had to stand on the buckle to get it
the boot wasn't on tight enough? Am I being over-zealous?
This weekend, travelling over some very rocky ground at a walk, the tongue (if that's what it's called?) on
buckle snapped in half, so there was just a nub left. The boot stayed on, but I added it to the dead boot pile.
(It's too bad, that was my one-n-only new-style curvy
buckle boot too...)
I'm going to invest in a pair of upsidedownbuckles
and hopefully it'll solve the problem of broken buckles and cables, but in the meantime, I'm going to have to get a handful of old-style cables to mend all the dead