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Re: [RC] Dr Q's Mistress - Patty P
You are Beautiful Dr. Q!
This is awesome! In fact, I am currently being courted by someone that I would love to send this to! LOL
By the way...what does the Q stand for?
-------Original Message-------
Bruce Weary DC
7/25/2007 7:43:05 AM
[RC] Dr Q's Mistress
I will be out of town for a few days, to spend some quality time with
my mistress. She's gorgeous, of course, and while she has been coveted
by many, she has committed herself to no one. Many suitors have come
calling, and whether they have been received well or rejected
outrightly, they all have spent enormous amounts of time, money, energy,
and yes, sometimes, heartache, to be with her.
Her name is Tevis. I know you'd like her if you met her.
I have arranged an intimate date with her five times now, and each time
she has either stood me up, eluded me, or punished me for knocking on
her door. This, in spite of showing up bright eyed and bushy tailed,
ready for the romance of the trail. On different occasions, she has been
so angry with me for having invaded her privacy that she inflicted
illness on either my horse or myself. Not to be deterred, however, I
have picked myself up, dusted myself off, and gone back to the "Drawing
Board of Love." I have done my homework, and have listened intently to
the secrets of courting that only a female can know, shared with me by
my mare, Sugar.
My requests are simple. I merely want to spend an entire day with
her, 24 hours if need be, and enjoy her charms from start to finish.
I'm not asking for a long term commitment. Just a roll in the hay would
be nice. If she insists that I exit early, well, it's better to have
loved and lost than to never have loved at all.
When Sugar and I cross the finish line, not only will she be the first
Foxtrotter to finish in this century, and the third ever (I think), but
I will also have something new and shiny to hold my pants up with.
Ain't love grand? Dr Q
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[RC] Dr Q's Mistress
Bruce Weary DC
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Judy Houle
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RE: [RC] Dr Q's Mistress