I don’t “soak” the beet pulp at all. I feed different
horses different amounts, my hardest worker gets about 6 -8 cups dry measured,
then I add his oats, selenium and biotin, and about 3 quarts of water to make
it juicy. By the time I put his hay in a muck bucket & walk across to his
paddock, the beet pulp has already started absorbing the water & it is now
more like sloppy oatmeal. He eats it all in about 30 minutes. It might make a
difference in the type of beet pulp you use. I use shredded beet pulp.
So how
much should I give AJ of the beet pulp. And how long
do you soak it for the bag said 2 hours but I thought most people soaked it
longer than that. I am going to add this in to his diet before I add anything
else. I am going to switch to Perfect 12 instead of Perfect 10 since it has a
little more fat.