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[RC] Permission to treat / something fishy - Tx Trigger

OTTOWY posted: >>>Just talked to the vet.   The girls didn't call the
owner, the vet did! <<<

OK, this is just sounding really bad. Any horse death is something that the
endurance community stands up and asks questions, often makes judgments, but
usually wanting to understand why. We as riders hope to learn something,
that can possibly help us to prevent the same situation with our own horses.
Horse can die at rides. We have read the reports the Welfare of the horse
committee has put out, and many are just sheer accidents and misfortune that
could have happened at home, and being at a ride did not really contribute
with the horses death.

But reading about this horses death on another list from those in charge of
the horse, and now finding out that they did not even call the owner to let
them know what was happening, and the VET had to do so is really making me
question what they posted on that list is less than the truth, and they are
trying to cover their rear ends so to speak.

If I was in charge of someone else's horse, and it was in trouble, I'd be
doing everything possible to get a hold of that owner, even before the vet
arrived, to let them know we had a sick horse. I'd still be seeking
treatment, if the horse was in a bad way, but the owner has a right to know!

Something is just smelling fishy here....

And thanks everyone for the suggestions of having a written statement on
file with the vet, while a neighbor or who ever is watching your animals. I
had always done a verbal, but I can see that is not the best I can do for my
critters, and I am going to type one up, and drop it by the vet.



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