ACTUALLY.... recently
there has been some pretty good "buzz" about the Hilison saddles on the
TreelessSaddle yahoo group... allot of pictures and good experiences...
you may want to check them out again. Granted, not as good as a BM or others,
but some folks can drive a Lexus and some can only drive a Ford Focus (no
offense... good little cars, but you get the point). If your horse needs a
treeless and a tree is hurting him, buy what you can buy and tweak it out with
extras to make it the way you want it.
None under $500 unless you shop for a while and find a
bargain on a used one. The Hailason's are really cheaply made and very
uncomfortable = for the human. Bob Marshall's are well over
There is a nice FreeForm on in the
Classifieds for $900. = I would put my money there,