I like the side pull from sport tack....and have trained many from snaffel to side pull. You use direct rein and can control the horse in virtually any situation if you use a one rein stop. There is no area that the horse feels any type of pain. Some side pulls cross under the chin and do use pressure points to control the horse...which I don't like ...Bosals, hackamores, and some of the side pulls have areas where pressure can cause pain. If you have good control of the horse...this would be my choice.
If he has a regular tendency to fight you and want to move out more than you do, I would suggest a bosal or side pull with the cross over under the chin. If that is still not enough you may need to try a hackamore. Trial and error, is unfortunately the way you will have to go...but if he is good, trying with the gentlest method is what I would do...
The thing I like about the sport tack side pull, is that it comes with the snaffel attachment...so if your out on a ride and he is too excited and fighting you, just hop off and attach the bit and your off. They come in all colors...and they are great!
I have a 5-year old green-broke arab. he's spunky but not particularly bad, a little spooky at times. I am looking for advice on bit-alternatives: bosals, vosal, bitless, sidepull, hacks. he doesn't like a bit, just not totally comfortable, he opens his mouth a lot, and pushes against it with his tongue, however, no head tossing, and he's sensitive to seat pressure and voice commands. He has a tongue deformity, I have had his teeth checked, he's normal otherwise (well, as normal as a 5-yo arab can be!!).
ANY advice is appreciated, please include what you use, how it is designed to work, what settings you use it in, and relatively how it steers (he does NOT neck rein), brakes and the pain factor relative to a bit. Please keep this to horses that were trained with a bit and have made the switch to bitless.