The problem is that by the time one files an appeal and it gets attended
to, most of the jerks have gone on to terrorize more rides, AND filing a
complaint requires paying what is it $100 fee?? That is idiotic. I am sure that
the rules that are missing in relation to this kind of boorish behavior are
MISSING because when they were first written, the rules did not think they needs
to be accounting for people who choose not to act like little ladies and
gentlemen in public. Mayhap these people need to be punished by sending them to
3 months of finishing school before they can attend another ride. In the end.
word of mouth and the willingness of RMs to keep some people out would probably
be the only thing that can relieve the RM and other riders of these people AND
the possibility of injury and the related legal potential if these creeps are
allowed to keep coming. What a mess THAT would be! Besides, it is a PRIVILEGE
not a RIGHT to attend such a function as this. Wonder how these people behave at
home or work - they sure shouldn't have children or animals.