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Re: [RC] [RC] Breast plate lights - PattiI use to night ride back east in the winter, and it was Patty ~
By the time a light helps you notice a snake crossing the trail, you'll likely be past it - if one is just hanging out on the trail (not as likely at night) your horse will let you know long before it will show up in the light. They usually aren't interested in your horse unless he sticks his nose into their hiding spot when you are stopped, so stop in clear areas. They're much more considerate than the snakes back east were and will usually give you a little warning if you are invading their territory.
The only time you really need to be concerned is if you get off your horse, then you'd be better off with a headlamp ($14 or so from Walmart). In general, they'd just as soon be left alone and aren't aggressive. But they do blend in and like shady spots on a hot day - you learn to not pick rocks or logs up off the ground without nudging them with something first, to not walk through tall grass and to look before you pee (guys do have an advantage here).
Patti K
Vail AZ