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Re: [RC] Breast plate lights - Don Huston

Hello Patty,
Here in SE San Diego I ride trails that have many rattlesnakes as evidenced by the numerous tracks (over 20 new tracks every day in 6 miles) they leave in the dirt and occasional buzzing in the bushes. I rarely see them but when I do they are scooting away from the trail and buzzing. I have not come across one coiled and ready to strike in years which confirms my theory that the snakes feel the vibrations from the horse's hooves and move away long before I can see them. The real danger is letting your horse stop and graze without first walking around the area to check for snakes. I always make several circles small then big then stop back in the center. Last year we had 2 different episodes of horses bit on the nose when the riders just stopped and let the horses start crazing without checking the area. I have never heard that light has much effect on rattlesnakes. When I ride at night I always ride the wider more open trails and roads that I have ridden many times before in the daylight, no off-road brush-popping at night. Those sandy desert trails and back roads in AZ are beautiful at night so just plan your route during the day and you will be fine at night. I do carry a small flashlight for nighttime emergencies and a beatup old .38 for dragons and of course a cell phone.
Don Huston

At 11:29 AM 5/27/2007 Sunday, you wrote:
Okay, I will try the home depot idea...I am not looking for using in endurance riding...I'm no where near ready for 100's yet, but want to start doing night rides here in the desert and am hoping the light will ward off snakes and so on...or at least that I will be able to see them crossing the trail ahead. I use to night ride back east in the winter, and it was wonderful. No need for lights at all with snow on the ground reflecting...but here(AZ), everyone is warning me about the snakes and dragons. Don't know how much I should worry about them.

Don Huston at cox dot net
SanDiego, Calif

Re: [RC] Breast plate lights, rides2far
Re: [RC] Breast plate lights, Patty P