I have a new 4 horse, 16 foot stock trailer. IT’s a
bumper pull. IT has a tack compartment, manger, middle divider that goes top to
bottom and a removable center divider in the front.
My old trailer was just an open two horse stock so
there was only one way to pack a trailer: all my stuff went in the truck
and my horses and some hay went in the trailer.
Now I have a new configuration to figure out. I would love
to be able to put all my stuff in the front and then my horses in the back, but
it seems like that would be a recipe for fishtailing. I have thought
about putting one horse on one side of the front, stuff on the without the
horse and then one horse in the back since that will be better for weight.
Obviously, it’s not a good plan to put a lot of stuff behind the horses,
even though it’s better for weight.