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Re: [RC] Brand near or off side, OT -
Sisu West Ranch
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Orval Burnett
[RC] Problem with my horse - Sheri Thompson
Hi, I am trying to get any information I can on what is possibly going on with my horse. I have a 12 year old arabian mare that as of 4/12/07 has been ?off? (not her usual self). We had some really big winds on that day and ever since she will not eat her supplements and is a little picky about her hay (she usually tears it up). She wants to eat dirt, shavings, dried weeds and mostly only eats the stem of the alfalfa, not too much leaf and needless to say she is losing weight. She drinks a lot and pees a lot and her urine is kind of clear which is unusual for her (her stall is a mess) but her poops are hard even though she is drinking a lot and blood work showed she was slightly dehydrated She doesn?t look as bright eyed as usual and is a bit lethargic, doesn?t hold her head as high as usual, she holds it more out then up. She usually has a lot of energy out on the trail but now is calm.
We have pulled blood on her twice but nothing has shown up except she is low in thyroid so we have since put her on a thyroid medication. The blood work showed her kidneys were working overtime but my veterinarian said that would be normal for a horse that is drinking and peeing a lot. The next test I plan to have done is a urine analysis. I have been told by the vet that she possibly has ulcers which would make since because the symptoms came on so suddenly the day of the high winds and she is a bit flightly. I have also been told she could be having symptoms of kidney failure.
She is fed some alfalfa, some bermuda and some orchard grass. She is given 8 cups of Platinum Performance per day (which was ok?d by the maker) which she gobbles up. I give her Natural Glo but she only eats some of it. I have stopped the beet pulp because she wasn?t eating that mixed with the natural glo (wet) but will eat some of the natural glo dry. Before 4/12 she was getting Strongid C2X mixed with Natural glo (rice bran), beet pulp, vitamin E & Selenium, Cosequin and Neighlox all mixed with lots of water but she no longer will eat that. She gets electrolytes 2-3 times per week.
I plan on taking her to the hospital and have her scoped for ulcers but wanted to get any possible input first incase someone else has had this problem with there horse and it was not ulcers, maybe something else or maybe ulcers for sure.
I hope I didn?t leave anything out
Thank you very much.
RE: [RC] [RC] Problem with my horse
Nancy Mitts
Re: [RC] Problem with my horse
Don Huston
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[RC] Best repl1ca w4tches from IWC at Prest1ge Repl1cas -
Orval Burnett
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Re: [RC] Brand near or off side, OT -
Sisu West Ranch
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[RC] Best repl1ca w4tches from IWC at Prest1ge Repl1cas
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Re: [RC] Problem with my horse