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[RC] coggins - Tx Trigger

Alice posted: >>>I have looked at the laws in Tx and it is a class C
misdemeanor, or a class b misdemeanor if they've been convicted of it
before. It IS against the law to sell a horse without a negative coggins.
So, the guy is trying to break the law.Seems to me that he should be
reported to someone.<<<

Can you show me where that law might be so I can bookmark it?  As read the
law (**below) , it just says that a coggins is required for a change of
ownership. It does NOT state the seller must be the one to have the coggins
done.  The AERC central region has a copy of a EIA brochure on line at this


If you read the bottom left corner of part one, it states the buyer and
seller may negotiate on who pays for the test. Anyway, I'd love to see more
info about it being a seller requirement to SELL a horse, vs.  being done
for change of ownership so I can mark the page. (yes, selling, and change of
ownership are the same, but I can't find where it specifies the seller is
the one who must do the test)

**(l) Requirements for Change of Ownership. A negative EIA test within the
previous 12 months is required for all equine, except zebras, which are
eight months of age or older, changing ownership in Texas, except, if the
animal is:
(1) sold to slaughter, to be tested at the slaughter facility at Commission
expense; or
(2) a nursing foal that is transferred with its dam and the dam has tested
negative for equine infectious anemia during the 12 months preceding the
date of the transfer.



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