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RE: [RC] [RC] New Cuyama Ride - Ranelle Rubin

Great Story Sandy! I am glad Mr Mann got closer to your goal for him!

I can second that the Duck rides are wonderful. My first, and hopefully not my last was this year..yes, I am hooked. The laid back attitude..the RIDE attitude..makes it quite enjoyable.


Ranelle Rubin
R.Rubin Consulting


916-663-4140 home office
916-718-2427 cellular
916-848-3662 fax

From: sandy rovane <blanketlady@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [RC]   New Cuyama Ride
Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2007 07:15:49 -0700 (PDT)

Once again the Nicholson family put on a superb 3 day
ride at New Cuyama.  The ride was well attended and
the weather was perfect.  The terrain was beautiful
even though the flowers were not there because of a
lack of rain.  I want to thank the Duck family and
Bobbie Wong who did the cooking and recipes for this
event. Levones' special hot dogs at lunch were enjoyed
by all.  My friend Donna Whorley completed her first 3
day ride and is hooked.  My horse, Mr. Man completed
2/3 to get him less than 200 miles to complete his
5000.  Hope to accomplish this at the Grand Canyon
ride if I can get all the things we broke on the
trailer and camper fixed by then.  We really had to
endure to get to the ride putting the trailer door
through the back of the camper at the beginning of the
ride.  Had to tie the door on the trailer to keep it
from coming open and then had a blow out on the
trailer. Arrived at O dark 30 to wake the camp while
we set up.  Just another blip on a good ride.  These
rides are so well marked you need not look at a map
unless there is a hungry cow in the area.  If you have
never done a multiday ride try a Duck ride.  You will
be hooked. They even supplied a mechanic to fix the
truck before we could leave camp.  Where else do you
get this much bang for your buck?


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Ride Long and Ride Safe!!


[RC] New Cuyama Ride, sandy rovane