On the other hand, I ordered our first set of Epics
from EasyCare for one particular horse that had used size 1 in regular
EasyBoots. The rep told me I should order size 2, as the sizing was
different than that of the regular ones. I did so, with
some trepidation, but she was right on. Size 2 it was, and now we are
on our second set.
I understand where you guys are all coming from. However, I have a
new qh that I measured for easyboots. ( and yes I have used them before,
years actually) I had my measurements and called easycare, gave them the
measures and was told I needed a size 3. I thought it seemed a tad big but I
trusted them in "knowing what they are doing" I got the boots and they didn't
fit at all. I re-measured before calling easycare (so I didn't feel like an
idiot) in case I was wrong. My measures were exactly the same. I called
and was told I measured wrong and that their chart was always correct....etc.
I tried a size 2 and it was still big. I went to their website and looked at
their easyboot calculator, typed in the measures and it came up as a size 3
again. When I called easycare again they just kept saying I measured wrong,
and that was that. I have talked to at least ten other people that had the
same issue. I like their products but not their customer service. Thats just
my lousy 2 cents