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Re: [RC] [RC] slaughter vs. consumption - Diane Trefethen

Smith, Dave wrote:
Unfortunately, no politician has yet agreed to my suggestion that we
 humanely trap problem lions out here in the sticks and ship them to
large cities where they could be set loose in big city parks to prey
on city dogs, cats and kids. The city folk want an abundance of lions,
they would get an abundance of lions.

I like your suggestion as a thought-provoking exercise since it is thought that is so often lacking in Utopian, pie-in-the-sky ideas. Why is it that so many of the people who want to do good in our world so sorely lack the ability to see past the end of their own noses? Could it have anything to do with the saying, "Your freedom ends where my nose begins"? ... so they don't have to think any further than that? ROFL!

God I love ignorance. It is SO entertaining. I just wish it wasn't always cropping up in places that negatively affect MY quality of life.


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RE: [RC] [RC] [SPAM] RE: [RC] [RC] slaughter vs consumption, Jessica Cameron
RE: [RC] [RC] [SPAM] RE: [RC] [RC] slaughter vs. consumption, Smith, Dave