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RE: [RC] [RC] [SPAM] RE: [RC] [RC] slaughter vs. consumption - Smith, DaveThe feel-good ban on horse slaughter reminds me of a vote here in California about five years ago which banned the hunting of mountain lions. Interestingly, the people who voted for the ban came from the state's largest cities: L.A., San Diego, San Francisco and Sacramento. People who actually live in lion country overwhelmingly opposed the ban. So, rather than control the lion population via a set number based on scientific management of surplus lions to be harvested by hunters, the big city dwellers opted on a feel-food vote to eliminate any control at all. As a consequence, those of us who live in lion land have witnessed a significant increase in lion encounters with people (several of whom have been killed) and the loss of dogs, cats and livestock. Unfortunately, no politician has yet agreed to my suggestion that we humanely trap problem lions out here in the sticks and ship them to large cities where they could be set loose in big city parks to prey on city dogs, cats and kids. The city folk want an abundance of lions, they would get an abundance of lions. Funny how they don't like my idea. -----Original Message----- From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jessica Cameron Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 12:02 PM To: ebeyrider@xxxxxxxxxxx; heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; rainbowmeadowsranch@xxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: [RC] [RC] [SPAM] RE: [RC] [RC] slaughter vs consumption Actually no, it wasn't voted on by the citizens of this country...it was decided in the court systems, and funded by a strong extemist view, which I'm pretty sure PETA backed as well. I also don't think that Heidi ever once said she was going to eat her horses or give them to her neighbors to eat. What she is saying and what a great majority of responsible and reasonable livestock owners know is right is that it is wrong for the extremely vocal minority to creat policy in our court systems because it makes them feel good that horses aren't going to be mercilessly killed for human consumption overseas. Those same horses are still going to be slaughtered, it will just be done in Canada or Mexico where they will face a long trailer ride, followed by a long wait time in deplorable conditions. So, the vocal minority has not solved the "inhumane and unethical" treatment of these horses, they have just made it worse. Jessica Cameron~~~Mtn. Region From: "Terry Banister" <ebeyrider@xxxxxxxxxxx> To: heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CC: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, rainbowmeadowsranch@xxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: [RC] [SPAM] RE: [RC] [RC] slaughter vs consumption Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 10:21:08 -0800 It has been voted by the majority of the citizens (our governing system in this country) and it is a done deal. But if you did choose to eat your endurance horses, I don't think there is any law that says you can't! I am sure if your neighbor wanted to eat your horses, you could still GIVE him some, instead of raising them for the purpose and SELLING them to him. And there won't be any tax credit from the government for running a farm/ranch for that purpose. Terry "May the Horse be with you"From: heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To: Terry Banister <ebeyrider@xxxxxxxxxxx> CC: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, rainbowmeadowsranch@xxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: [SPAM] RE: [RC] [RC] slaughter vs consumption Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 10:54:03 -0700 It is the CHOICE of SOME PEOPLE in the United States not to eat horses, etc.? It is not the RIGHT of those same people to make that judgment call for others.? (FWIW, I'm among those who CHOOSE not to eat horses, dogs, cats etc.--but I fully recognize that that is my CHOICE, not my RIGHT to impose those choices on others. ? And HOW MANY horses have to suffer in order for this magnificent economic pressure theory to become a reality?? ? Heidi -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [SPAM] RE: [RC] ? [RC] slaughter vs consumption From: "Terry Banister" <ebeyrider@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, March 15, 2007 10:44 am To: heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, rainbowmeadowsranch@xxxxxxxxx Cc: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx It is the CHOICE of the people of the U.S. NOT TO EAT DOGS, CATS and HORSES because they are looked upon as family pets and best friend material. And there is NO NEED to eat dog and horses in this country, so this should be a dead issue. Based on this fact, breeding excess animals (dogs, cats or horses) or acquiring excess animals that cannot be cared for as one would care for one's own child, is going to become econimically unprofitable, and the people who are doing it will eventually think twice. But it will take time for the new habits and practices to become established. We are now going through the necessary thinking process. I am confident that the next generation will do things more efficiently and humanely. Terry "May the Horse be with you"From: heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To: Karen Everhart <rainbowmeadowsranch@xxxxxxxxx> CC: ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: [RC] ? slaughter vs consumption Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 09:30:20 -0700 Indeed.? Please define "humane" and "ethical."? ?A captive bolt in the brain is certainly "humane."?? Andtosuggest that it is unethical for humans to consume horses is biasedatbest. ?What is completely inhumane is to be unrealistic about the worldinwhich we live, in which many horses will end up starving, ill,injured, andneglected, with no recourse to many owners.? You CANNOTlegislatemorality--perhaps Prohibition was one of the more graphic examplesofthat.? And to ignore the fact that most horses in this country(I wouldwager that it's the majority) are in situations where they areexpendablewhen their humans face hard times is indeed unrealistic.? ?The article that Angie shared IS the reality of it.? And whathasbeen forced by the poorly-thought-out-and-emotionally-drivenanti-slaughterlegislation is indeed inhumane. ?I never much thought about horse slaughter in my growing-upyears--we"culturally" did not eat horses, and when ours were old and infirm,a quickbullet ended their lives, whereupon they were consumed by birds andcoyotes.? ?As I've grown older, I have realized that it is immaterial who eatsthehorse (human or coyote), even if I prefer not to--and that most oftheworld can use humane slaughter as an option, whereas leaving thecarcassfor the coyotes is not an option in much of our populatedworld.??Outlawing slaughter has and will continue to promote equinesuffering--anoutcome that I personally consider to be unconscionable.? Ifthe folks whohave agitated for anti-slaughter legislation TRULY wanted to helpalleviateequine suffering, they would petition to have local plants builtwherehorses could be directly hauled by their owners.? I canguarantee that NOamount of lobbying will change the fact that most horses live in aprecarious balance--and when the lobbying to prevent slaughterprogressesto another level of "success," the horses are the true victims. ?Karen, I do admire what rescues do--that's great.? I abhorcarelessbreeding without thought or study to ensure that the resultantoffspringcan have useful jobs.? But neither your position nor mine onthose subjectswill have any great effect on the reality of the situations of manyhorsesin this country, should they fall upon hard times.? It isrelatively simpleand within the means of most people to euthanize?dogs and catsand havethem buried or cremated.? When a horse falls on hard times,those optionsjust are not realistic in a great many circumstances.? THAT isthe realityof it, and THAT is the niche that slaughter serves to prevent thosehorsesfrom going on to suffer.? ? Heidi ? Heidi I find that an interesting statement.? Why are the "anti-slaughterfolk" responsible for "realistically" addressing the problem of whatto dowith unwanted horses unless THEY produced the unwanted horses??Seems to methat "we" horse folk should be responsible for dealing with theunwantedhorse population in a way that is humane AND ethical. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ?Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. ?Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp ?Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp ?Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=_________________________________________________________________ With tax season right around the corner, make sure to follow these few simple tips. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Taxes/PreparationTips/PreparationTips.aspx?icid=HMFebtagline =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. 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