I find that an interesting statement. Why are the "anti-slaughter
folk" responsible for "realistically" addressing the problem of what to do with
unwanted horses unless THEY produced the unwanted horses? Seems to me that
"we" horse folk should be responsible for dealing with the unwanted horse
population in a way that is humane AND ethical.
Karen Everhart MEd President Rainbow Meadows Rescue and Retirement,
Inc. www.rainbowmeadowsranch.com 620-725-3402
Owner/Operator Horse Calls - Equine Management Solutions Centered Riding
Instructor Distance Horse Conditioning and Training www.horsecalls.com 316-648-5082 -----
Original Message -----
Julie, the people bent on ending horse slaughter have been unwilling to
realistically address the problem of what to do with
unwanted horses, and have seemed to be oblivious to the fact that closing
LOCAL plants has caused a huge amount of pain and suffering by CAUSING the
batching and transport of unwanted horses. Sorry if I step on toes here,
but this has become a political issue in which horse welfare has long ago been
laid aside.