[RC] Alternative for euthanasia - Karen BratcherTitle: Alternative for euthanasiaAs an alternative to forking over big bucks for a vet to come out and euthanize a horse and then have the carcass hauled off, or to pay the backhoe man to dig a hole, you might check with your local zoo if you have one and see if they need meat for the big cats. We did this recently with a horse that was incurably lame, and instead of paying out, we got a donation tax write-off because the zoo is a nonprofit group. There are withdrawal times for drugs and wormers because they can kill the cats, so make sure you check about that first. My husband stayed and watched to make sure it was humane. Before we took the horse out of the trailer we were given Vicks to smear in his nose to prevent him from smelling the predators. He was then led into the killing area with a pan of sweet feed (the condemned eat a hearty meal). One bullet to the brain and it's over. Karen Bratcher in northern Idaho