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Re: [RC] Wind Galls/Puffs - Diane Trefethen

Wind puffs are classified as a blemish, not an unsoundness. Some horses develop them with increased work loads and some don't. If your horse is not sore or lame and if the appearance of the wind puffs don't coincide with a recent substantial increase in work load, you don't need to worry about them. Sometimes they appear with an increase in work load and are then often a sign you need to take your conditioning down a peg or two but since these first appeared a year ago, just watch her and be sure she is going down the trail a happy camper. Let her be your guide on this issue.

I have just brought my 13 year old mare back into endiurance from a 5 year injury and baby break. She has however developed wind galls! she never had these before and they appeared while she was feeding her foal a year back. They do not seem to be worrying her ie. lameness, but they do get bigger after a ride.


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[RC] Wind Galls/Puffs, celeste