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Re: [RC] [RC]LD Issue - kit kat

Hi everyone,

Sorry, but I have not read all your posts and some of them are very confusing as I dont know all the terms and I think some of that has to do with me being a canadian.. LOL. EH??

Anyway, I saw somewhere about Multidays not having LD's? I just wondering why that would be?? Last year in BC canada we held our first multiday. They had a 15, a 30 and a 50 every day for the 3 days. I hauled my mare up there and did two 15 milers and in all honesty I thought it was the best thing that could have happened. My mare was not long under saddle, I had only been to 2 endurance rides before with more seasoned horses and this mare was a newbie to riding and endurance riding(Ex race harness horse for over 4 years) and this was a GREAT learning experience for her AND me.

This year we have a new multiday, and its going to have 30's and 50's every day for 3 days. Im planning on doing two 30's. I think this is going to be a great start to my season and in all honesty, I would be crushed if they didnt hold a LD ride (I dont think thats going to happen for a long while as Multidays are very new in BC) but, isnt endurance (and correct me if im wrong) about .. to finish is to win...? I personally have GREAT respect for the riders that do 50's and higher.. my friend does and I am humbled by her, and maybe its because im still new to the sport, but im scared to do a LD of 30 in all honesty. I dont have any training partners, I cant seem to find much on training, I just go with how I think my horse should do.. and I know I dont push as hard as I should but how do you KNOW what to do when you have no one to help you?

When I first started looking into rides and called some managers, they all said the same thing, Oh, any horse can do a 25 miler. Im sure ANY horse can, BUT, and yes, there is always a but, how sound, or how healthy, or how happy does that horse come back in if the rider has not been encouraged to learn and understand the sport?? I have bought and read many books and this year, MY goal is to do three 30's, one 25, and possibly more if I can afford it. If they didnt hold these LD's, I wouldnt be doing endurance at all.. because like I said, Im constently worrying about if Im training right or what not, but at least in a LD, I can have the more seasoned riders help me with my boo boos when they get back, not have tones of newbie 50 miler riders out there with me doing the same mistakes as I am, instead you have the seasoned 50 milers who have been where I am now, who have done the miles, worked hard and now are willing to try to help people like me(I would hope) and see that *I* am learning everything and conditioning my horse correctly for me to finally get through my LD phase and INTO the real endurance riding( which In all honesty, I think 30's are endurance for me too.. LOL)

I hope this makes sense as to what im saying. That I think LD's are important. I dont care if you treat me like im a newbie.. Heck I am, but if you treat me Like im stupid, and riding a ride thats nothing, Im not going to stay in the sport, but if you treat me with respect and help me and let me know I rode a good ride or could have changed some things but still am part of the endurance world, im gonna stay and move up and hopefully one day be a seasoned rider helping out a LD person and remember where I have been and how I got there.

Sarah, Arty and Sugar
Abbotsford BC Canada

PS, Got any training tips for a newbie.. LOL


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Re: [RC] Clipping, Jackie Causgrove