wonder if someone can interpret this behavior? i'm working with an
appy 5 yr. old mare that i've had two years. when i got her she was barely
halter broken and is the most opinionated mare i've ever known in all my
years. got her riding although we still have balking times, will rear in
protest (not high) and bump her rump up when you ask her to do something she
doesn't want to do. we went through a spell where she would mob me while i
was carrying feed or hay. went from that to walking VERY close behind me making
faces. finally got that stopped and now what she is doing is walking
beside me in perfect lead position but with her nose inches from the
ground. never had one do that before. it feels like an improvement
in attitude or at least it sure is easier on me. anybody know?
patty in georgia
Man does not have the only memory, The animals remember, The earth
remembers, The stones remember, If you know how to listen, they will tell
you many things.