[RC] Arabian Neglect Case in MD #1 - Karen Everhart
It is cases like this one, and many, many others across
America, which gives strength to the argument that we "have to have" slaughter
available for all the unwanted horses. Uncontrolled breeding, breeding for
dreams of the "miracle" horse or over production for profit is what leads us
down the easy road of "throw away" horses.
What a shame!!! No wonder many Senators are opposed
to SB 1915. They read stories like this one and figure if we horse owners
can't take care of the problem our selves then we had better have a legal
"back-up" plan.
On her AHA list of horses (which only reflects 40+) there
are 16 stallions, a handful of geldings, and the rest are mares. All
housed on 35 acres......hmmmmm, wanna guess how many babies have been produced
each year?