I'm sure folks have suggested pain, saddle
fit, teeth issues etc. in your horses bucking fits. Rule out all of that
first of course. But, some just have a screw loose.
A well known high mileage endurance rider had a
horse recently that was awesome. Come in to a vet check already down to 48
pulse. Strong, sound horse. But it would take to bucking once and awhile out of
the blue. Once it was 48 miles into a 50 mile ride. Dumped said rider, who
finally caught horse, and finished the ride. Never knew when the horse was going
to set off into one of these fits. I knew the horse before he had it, and it was
standing quiet in the barn one day, and its owner went to do something...can't
remember, doctor a sore or something, and the horse just flipped out. Pulled,
tugged, lunged, fell, thrashed itself all around. Totally lost it. One min.
standing quiet and relaxed, then became a wild frantic idiot. There are
some who want to save every horse, and "fix" it. And some believe that every
horse can be "fixed". But I think that just like people who can have mental
issues, I think some horses can have a screwed up mind. Could be inbreeding or
blood lines, maybe it is something created by humans in the horses handling, but
you can not save them all Keith.
Be very careful, put into the horse what effort you
feel the horse is worth, but no horse, and I mean NO horse is worth getting hurt
over..... or worst.