Another technique in construction of these gates is to
use a chain and piece of pipe welded onto it, or I've seen an old hame used for
the same purpose. The chain is attached to the fence post and you put the
pipe or hame against the picket on the gate and lever back with it. It's
harder to explain, but easy to construct.
kate posted: >>>If I had a horse that
wouldn't open a gate and stand there nice and hold it for a dozen horses if
need be WHILE I'M MOUNTED, I'd be doing some serious training before I
left home or finding another horse!<<<
Out west, most of the gates we
found on rides were barbed wire cowboy gates, that often took TWO people to
open them because they were strung so tight, and the wire loop was hard to get
off over the post. Hardly any horse friendly gates that you could stay
mounted....but I guess you are welcome to try......