LOL, if I forget to stretch hamstrings but particularly calves before a ride, I about die after getting out of the truck post-ride and of course worse on the 2nd day.? I try to remember to do those stretches at lunch and the other vet checks too.? Am very careful climbing down from the gooseneck's bed that next morning anyway, just in case.
Your title cracked me up too.? Made me remember my first 25 on my own/not borrowed horses, actually the first 3 were memorable (not that I have considerable mileage now, just um, a few years whacking away at it.)? Since getting a ReactorPanel saddle, though, the soreness has certainly been limited compared to before then (late '99?)? Unless riding in the rain without enough sense to wear the right clothes, like at our last ride, what a dummy, I was sore from just being cold and wet just because of not believing this always hot weather ride would really have rain much of the day.
I always tell my horse I'm the "weakest link" and that's why he has to carry me so much rather than me trying to run the hills or somesuch.? Weakest link in the head sometimes too, I guess--like not drinking enough water on a hot day.
On Nov 27, 2006, at 11:43 AM, Sluys Guys wrote:
We got started well and got into a good zone. We passed a few horses and got a piece of trail by myself and was having a great time. Blue was happy to go at a faster pace than he was allowed in his previous 2000 miles of CTR competition and discovered that he really liked to canter. He was relaxed and easy so I let him and he just cruised. We ended up coming in 10th place and having a blast! About the time I got off I noticed that my little toe was aching. When I took my boot off it was all black and blue and very painful. My fairly new boot that had never bothered me at slower speeds was putting pressure in my baby toe and at that point I was having trouble walking on it at all. The next day I felt pretty good except for the toe. My legs felt a little stiff but not bad. That was until I drove home. After about 2 hours of driving I stopped at a rest area and discovered that I had seized up! I felt like I had tied up! My quads and calves were so painful all of a sudden that I really couldn't walk at that point! I hobbled to the rest room and by the time I walked back to the truck I was a little more limber but when I got home a few more hours later I was seized up again. Luckily our house sitter is also a massage therapist and between her and our hot tub I think I'll survive! Blue, on the other hand, looks great! So my decision to do the 30 instead of the 50 was a good one even though I had a very experienced distance horse and I had lots of miles and experience in CTR. The game is different and uses different muscles. I realized that the hole in my training program was ME! So.....Guess I'll spend the winter exercising and getting ready for the next season because I can't wait to do a 50!! See you on the trail!? Nancy Sluys & Indigo Blue
<I agree with your assessment and conclusion--only other factor not mentioned is the human factor. After fighting the lost-mind> <thing, does the HUMAN have what it takes to make it 50 miles? So it might take more prep than otherwise expected for #2>?