[RC] Paint horses in distance riding - Susan Favro
I have an 8YO, 15.3hh, white/roan registered Paint I’ve
ridden for the past two seasons – though I’ve not been able to ride
as many rides as I would have liked. He has a very thoroughbred-style build (vs
a more quarter-horse style body shape) and has done fine on LDs and 50s. He
doesn’t pulse down as quickly as the Arab breeds, but I now know what to
expect (what is normal for him) and will walk in for the last half mile or so
to get him to criteria more quickly. He has a wonderful temperament and the
endurance riding has also helped to smooth out his trot (he’s less of a
jack hammer now).
Susan Favro
Healthy As A Horse Network
“Innovative effective products for horse and rider”
Official Sponsor: AERC (American Endurance Ride Conference)
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E-mail – Susan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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