I am currently in a bit of an argument with my subdivision. There is a very vague covenant in place
that says that overgrazing is not allowed, as defined by the association.Well, the current president decided to
define overgrazing as anything over 15 minutes!
I don’t actually have horses grazing.I have turn out
– and some are turned out longer than others – but all the horses
get a full hay ration year round.And
there is nothing to graze on.I
would say in any 10 foot by 10 foot patch there is 3 blades of a very useless stemmy grass. The rest is a nasty weed called persilane (sp?) which is probably similar to kudzu –
a ground cover that spreads like crazy and drives everything else out.The horses won’t eat it –
which means that the ground is at least still protected from becoming a dust
bowl – which is the real concern of the association.
I want to improve the grass situation by splitting the
pasture area and rotating which sections are used and try to do some replanting.They won’t let me harm the weeds
because they are afraid of dust.
Now, this is arid Colorado and yeah, the
dust blows.My little pasture isn’t
going to make much difference in either direction.Now my big sand arena just might cause a
bit of a dust storm!
I’m going to see if I can work with the extension
office to come up with a logical plan to help us all, but preserving these
nasty spreading weeds to prevent dust when it is already extremely dusty is
kind of nuts!