You asked "Who do you think is generally responsible when
a loose horse is hit by a vehicle?" I'm not certain what you mean by
the word "generally".......
I think, unless someone else can be found directly
responsible for negligence or criminal acts related to letting horses loose, the
owner is ALWAYS liable. AND, if you do not have laibility insurance on
your horses, through an organization like the Kansas Horse Council (you DO NOT
have to live in KANSAS to buy the insurance) or your personal home/farm poilcy
then you are certainly subject to a HUGE lawsuit. Money is one thing and
your families' financial security can be jeopradized but what about the guilt
that one must live with for the injury/death of the horse and any injury/death
to humans involved? How does one live with that? I, for one,
want to be as certain as I can realistically be, that my horses cannot get loose
OR that other loose horses cannot hurt them.