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Re: [RC] National ID - Joe Long

On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 01:14:28 -0500, "indiancp" <indiancp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

i thought we already did that with ss numbers!

patty in georgia

Yes, but not imbedded in our body.  Some eschatologists thought the SSN was the
"number" and that we would someday be required to have it tattooed on our body
... that was before microchips ...

We're getting a wee bit off-topic, although this does relate back to the
government requiring microchips in horses.

Although I must say that I don't believe any such law (for humans) is imminent,
I believe that it COULD come about if there was a terrorist "dirty bomb" or nuke
that caused hundreds of thousands of casualties.  Having lots of readers already
in place for animal tracking could make passing and implementing such a law
easier (it would be a "proven technology").

It's already a hassle and an expense to have to get health certificates to go to
rides.  I'd hate to see being forced to have microchips in our horses, and for
every  ride manager to have to have a scanner and scan every horse that comes to
the ride.  I know that's not been proposed ... yet ... but it could happen.


Joe Long


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[RC] National ID, Anita Messenger
Re: [RC] National ID, Joe Long
Re: [RC] National ID, Joe Long
Re: [RC] National ID, indiancp