[RC] Working the offside ("good") of the high/low or clubbed horse--how/what? - Beth Leggieri
Several have mentioned the necessity of working that off-shoulder of the horses under discussion to build it up (clubbed or high/low). It would be helpful to others to have more specific information on the exercises that are used, length of repetitions, how often the round pen or arena work is done, etc. i.e. Details!
Based on Heidi's observation that this condition can be created by specific horsekeeping conditions and its subsequent appearance in feral herds now under human management -- and that more and more horseowners are urban so their horses are not free-ranging, I suspect this condition will be more prevalent in the future, rather than less prevalent (just a conjecture). So, the more we all learn about this so we can help our friends and neighbors--and of course, the horses, the better. Sure sounds like this syndrome(s) is a fact of horselife.
And please post to
Ridecamp -- many folks out there are in need.
This has been a great discussion! Thanks so much for all the great information.