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Re: [RC] SHOW RING ABUSE DISCUSSION - Richard M LevineI have received numerous emails direct responding to my 2 postings on this topic recently on your Ridecamp group list. Some possitive, some negative, but nonetheless important input on both sides of the topic, which is healthy.I can tell you from my own experience, when I went forward to report what I had witnessed myself as an abusive tactic at a show, the ring steward dropped whatever they were doing and promptly went to the area where the problem was, to investigate. Tht is their JOB. There are sometimes when they are in the middle of a task, that may prevent them from doing so at the moment, but they should proceed asap. I understand that much. Now, as one individual reported to me, she did the right thing, she reported what she saw and was IGNORED by the Steward. I can't speak for anyone else, but if that had happened to me, if the report was never given any respect, and went uninvestigated, I would first go immediately to the show manager, and if I could not get any possitive movement there, I would have been on the phone to both AHA, USEF and the JUDGES Committee the very next day, and filed a complete report demanding to know why we have rules that are not being enforced. The Club hosting the show, the Steward, and the JUDGE, as well as the Horse Owner, the person cuasing the abusive situation and the Trainer if one is involved are, and should all be held accountable. Anything less is unacceptable. Why have the rule son the books, if they have no meaning when a violation is presented??? Since I do not travel all over the country to compete due to work constraints, and most of what I do is here in Region 9, Texas, La, Ark and OK, I can only tell you what I see when I am out there. Do we happen to have cornered the market on the best horse loving owners, amateurs and trainers???? I would like to think so, but I know that is not the case. While we are speaking out strongly on those that choose to violate the rules of common sense & fair play, how about a few kind words for all of us that play by the rules, treat our horses with loving and decent ownership parameters and detest this type of activity no matter what part of the sport it rears it's ugly head in?? We are afterall the vast majority. Those that choose to do otherwise must be weeded out of the sport we love. Each of us chooses where and how we wish to compete. Boggs was found by both the AHA and the USEF to be guilty as charged and sanctioned as provided in the rules. The cost to defend that case just about bankrupted the IAHA, but they vigorously stuck to their convictions that abuse of any type that violates the rules must be dealt with. So for those that say the organization does nothing to stand up and enforce their rules, I point to this case as an example that they do. Do they cover all their bases effectively, the obvious answer is no. Are they trying to do a better job, I say yes from what I see with my own eyes at each show. In the past 5 years alsone, I have seen more Vet teams present at our shows, staying on top of the drug abuse rules, then in the past 25 years combined...that is money well spent. I have never once said what has been reported here is not something that happened. I simply want to make clear to those of you that do not show or have never showed, that it is the exception, not the rule, that the majority of us play by the rules and take good care of our horses. As far as good sportmanship goes, yes I have heard first hand and have read many stories in the 50 years I have been around the horse business at large, of the kindness extended to any rider in trouble at an Endurance event, and I have to say it is comendable, and a nice commentary on the decency many of you show to your fellow competitor. I hope that your organization pays due respect to those individuals that rise above the need each year, in a decent act of good sportsmanship at your annual convention so that others are stimulated to do the same if the need should arise. PS..In the last post I had elaborated on the AHA US National Competitions, excluding the Scottsdale show which was mis grouped. I neglected to include the National Endurance and Compeititive Trail competitions which of course are also part of the annual National titled events, forgive me on that score. Lastly, I would say to anyone that has been dissapointed after stepping up to report what they percieve as ABUSE, email the president of the AHA. He is progressive, and from what I hear very hands on, and will personally investigate anything that needs to be looked into to make us the Proud Breed we started out to be in our old slogan! Richard M. Levine Houston, Tx. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=