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RE: [RC] Apology! re: I call it "Equizac".... - Chris Paus

Thanks Ranelle! I appreciate that you were trying to inject a little humor. But as Gilda Radner said about cancer, "it's an unfunny subject."
Far too many people do assume one can just think one's way out of depression. Did you know that many professional comedians are clinically depressed? They try to joke their way out of it and when that doesn't work, a high percentage of them self medicate with booze and pills.
yes, horses are my therapy and they probably keep me off the psychiatrists' couch! But without antidepressants I am in too deep of a mental  and physical black hole to even appreciate and enjoy a good horse and a good ride.
Actually, as Heidi said, this is a good opportunity to do some educating!

I am sorry if I did not put in capitals "I genuinely feel for you if you
have truly been diagnosed
as clinically depressed."

I did not mean to offend ANYONE!!

Clinical depression is real!

Folks, I was only trying to lighten the drug conversation..

...As soon as my client calls are done I need to go ride!

Ranelle Rubin

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RE: [RC] Apology! re: I call it "Equizac"...., heidi