I generally add water to my shredded beet pulp, but I don’t
“soak” it other than the time it takes to get to the different
pastures. But my “used to be a hard keeper until we did the Panacur purge” mare would get tired of eating it wet (when
I was trying to fatten her up) but she’d be willing to eat another pan of
it dry throughout the day. She’s a slow eater and likes to nibble, so
maybe that’s a factor in being able to feed it dry. I’ve never fed
pellets, always shredded. Often, when I go out to the barn and all the horses
start nickering for a treat (they always have a pile of hay), I’ll just
give them another small scoop of dry beet pulp. I’ve been doing this for
three years without any problems. On the other hand, my neighbor fed a pile of
hay to her horse and he choked.