perfectly agree with this - I never ever wrap my horses legs - the very
most I will do is put on some leg protectors in front for shipping to
the ride if the horse is not too hot on getting in the trailer - just to protect
against knocks while jumping in and backing out
I just wash off the horses legs, may slap on some arnica gel if I have
it handy ( generally because using it on myself) and than have a cold beer
- that makes me feel soooo good!
ps last year while having my cold after-ride beer I watched a rider
crouching around her horse for over an hour, to meticulously spread an even
layer of clay on all four legs hoof to knee, than wrap them up in clingfilm,
than guilted wraps, standing wraps on top finished off with tendon boots... Horse looked like it was
wearing Ugs and walked that way too...