skitos aren't long enough, as I rode in a Synergist, and I hear
Supracors are no good with it. Can anyone tell me why?
teenage girls use Supracores with their treeless saddles and it is going well.
They sometimes use the Equipedic, which is my favorite for many reasons. If you
are a lightweight rider, the Supracores may work. My kids are very tall so they
are not tiny flea riders. One of my kids has a horse that gets a white hair at
anything that doesn't work and so far Equipedic and Supracore are fine. Time
will tell. I prefer they use the Equipedic on 50 milers and the Supracore on
training rides though, just in case. I use the Equipedic all the time and am
very happy with it after using other pads designed for treeless and was getting
white hairs. The white hairs disappeared on my bay when I switched to Equipedic.
I ride in a Bob Marshall treeless. One kid in a Barefoot treeless, other kid in
the Bob Marshall treeless.