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Re: [RC] Horse Slaughter - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Sara ximera2@xxxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

For the millionth time. I am talking about stopping the
selling of horses remains for human consumption! They are
also taking horses out of the wild and slaughtering them for
this very purpose.

No they're not. They're taking them out of the wild for population control -- a 
different subject. Once out, they are being sold, and THEN there are people who 
are buyng this cheap source of horse meat for human consumption.

What's wrong with eating horse? How are horses different from any other animal 
we eat? I wouldn't eat it, because they're pets to me. But, then, I wouldn't 
send my horses to slaughter either.

As usual, when a topic like this comes up, people lump a whole bunch of topics 
under one heading. There are a whole bunch of separate-but-related issues here:

* Overpopulation of horses (wild and domestic)
* Affordable, humane alternatives to slaughter
* Humane transport of slaughter-bound animals
* Humane housing of slaughter-bound animals
* Humane slaughter methods
* Use of the carcass after slaughter

No one solution will resolve all those issues. Not the ending of slaughter for 
human consumption, the ending of slaughter altogether, or the end of transport 
of animals for slaughter.

You have to consider them all, because changes in one area will have 
repercussions everywhere.

I would love it if we did not have a surplus of horses (or dogs and cas) and if 
people didn't treat horses as objects to be discarded when they're no longer 
useful. I'd love it if people treated their horses with the respect the demand 
the horses show them. But that's not the world we live in, and so horses will 

I, personally, have no problem with the use of horse meat for pet food or human 
consumption because of the above. I very much, however, want to see more humane 
methods of transporting, housing, and slaughtering the animals.

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